I'm developing asp.net website on IE10/Windows 8 + VS2012 Users noticed some artifacts and they use IE8. If I use F12 tools and set site to IE8 I don't see it. I need real IE8 for dev/test/ How d...
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Utilu IE Collection contains multiple stand-alone versions of Internet Explorer, which can be used at the same time. It supports Windows 98 to Windows 8.1 – but currently supports only Internet Explorer 1.0 to Internet Explorer 8.0. More information here
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To activate the IE 7.0 or 8.0 render engine in IE 8.0 or 9.0: go to “Tools”, “Developer Tools” (or press F12) and then click on the “Browser Mode” menu item and select for example “Internet Explorer 7” to let the Trident render engine of IE 7.0 render the website.
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My About Internet Explorer 8 details: 1st: I used MS Excel's notification link to download what I believe should upgrade to IE 10. But I think I was wrong and it was an update for IE 10. However, in the 6 options in that web page, none was an installer for anything except for Windows 8 for Vista operating systems as shown in #3 in the image.
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Right-click Windows Internet Explorer 9, click Uninstall, and then, when prompted, click Yes. Click one of the following: Restart now (to finish the process of uninstalling Internet Explorer 9 and restore the previous version of Internet Explorer).
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I was trying to install IE 8 on a Win Server 2003 SP2 on a Xeon machine. I went to Microsoft download site and got this file (for Windows Server 2003 64-bit) IE8-WindowsServer2003-x64-ENU.exe But
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Although Internet Explorer 7(8) will not run on your system, you can download Internet Explorer 8 for other operating systems. Is there another way (or hacking) to install IE7 and IE8 in Windows 10? internet-explorer
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My download script works in every browser I've tried it in. However, when I test in IE8 on a fresh machine or with the cache cleared, the first time I attempt to download I get:"IE cannot download file download.php from example.com...". Now if I hit enter again on it, the file download works perfect. No issues, file is found and is ...
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I need an offline installer for Internet Explorer 8. I've downloaded one setup that's 16MB. However when opening it, it asks to download updates - the problem is my Internet connection is very slow so the installation will take a very long time. Is there a standalone offline installer for Windows XP that doesn't need to download in this way?
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