Brian's answer (a custom function) is the correct and simplest thing to do in general. But if you really wanted to define a numeric type with a (non-standard) '%' operator, like desk calculators do, so that 'X % Y' means X * Y / 100.0, then from Python 2.6 onwards you can redefine the mod() operator:
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@Digitalsa1nt (100 * 2) / 4 = 50, (2/4) * 100 = 50 as long as the enumerator is is the part being multiplied. Due to precedence of SQL statements it will be the same. however, due to data types if using 100 you can still get the result rounded to 0 decimals you desire for the % where as if you put it after the division operation you would have to make sure that you cast to a data type that can ...
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Looking to add a column in my SSRS Matrix which will give me the percentage from the total column in that row. I'm using the following expression, but keep getting 100% for my percentages (I'm ass...
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How to calculate percentage of each group on a select query. 2. CALCULATE PERCENTAGE IN SQL by group. 1. ...
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Percentage ----- 66 If you had a table subscriptions with user-specific column userid where having two rows would mean the subscription was renewed: SELECT (SELECT TOP 1 COUNT(*) OVER() FROM subscriptions GROUP BY userid having COUNT(*) > 1) * 100 / COUNT(*) AS Percentage FROM subscriptions
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What percentage faster is time1 to time 2?** I am of the believe that if you have a time of X seconds. X/2 (half as long) is 100% faster. My solution to this problem is calculated as (T2/T1)-1 . 1.3477/.6053 - 1 = 1.2265. Other people are saying that you should just look at these as numbers and calculate it like . 1- (T1/T2) 1- .6053/1.3477 = .5508
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With Postgresql, I know how to create a query that includes the first 3 columns using the following query, but I can't figure out how to calculate percentage within the GROUP BY: SELECT User, Rating, Count(*) FROM Results GROUP BY User, Rating ORDER BY User, Rating
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I want to be able to calculate the percentage of each of the rows like so. event event_count event_percent a 34 7.47 b 256 56.26 c 45 9.89 d 117 25.71 e 3 0.66
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Nevertheless, I'm trying to create a measure to calculate the percent of"No Show". When I do it, the decimal places gives me an issue. When I do it, the decimal places gives me an issue. For example, 8.50 turns into 850.0%.
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I have two months with two values, for example: July-2013 1838.08 Aug-2013 3500.08 How can I calculate the percentage difference in August compared with July?
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