Welcome to the University of Nottingham MBA Applicants Thread! 🌠📈 . University of Nottingham. 3. 6. Last reply 1 week ago. Nottingham ...
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Hey there Anon, Coventry University Student Ambassador here! 👋 Well done on securing those offers 🎉 Coventry is currently in the Top 5 UK Student Cities index and is also a joint top modern university for career prospects.
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I'm looking to go to Nottingham Trent University to study Furniture and Product Design. I was curious about the rooms. Are they like dorms? and how is it decided who you are flat mates with? Can you room on your own or do you have to be with others? Also, are the Halls like boys and girls or are they mixed? and how was it like making friends as ...
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Nottingham university medicine; Nottingham accommodation; Nottingham vs Cardiff Uni - Architectural engineering; Missed deadline to accept Nottingham accommodation; Accommodation for posgraduate in Nottingham; University of Nottingham (Biosciences) Different accommodation at Nottingham; UCL vs Uni of Nottingham - sports/exercise science
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Read ALL of the code of conduct, every link, every bottom of page even if it’s talking about vet nurses (especially if it’s talking about vet nurses as they give ethical scenarios in those paragraphs) Then think about current issues, the role of investment funds in vet practices, the place of animals in intensive farming, the use of animals (dogs) in war zones, breeding dogs as fashion ...
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Hi, I will be studying American studies at Nottingham but I was wondering how likely is it to change to accounting, finance and management (AFM) I think I can do well while studying AFM as I already know most of the basics like reading and understanding the 3 financial statements.
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Hi everyone 👋 If you're thinking about applying to Nottingham Trent University (NTU) for 2024 entry, then this is the thread for you. If you've got any questions, or want to meet other NTU applicants, let us know by answering the below: Which course are you interested in?
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Hi! I'm a 4th year UoN student. I lived in catered halls for 3 of my years here, and one year in a student house. For first year, I would really recommend catered accommodation as it's much easier to meet friends as you eat meals together every day and you basically spend 24/7 together.
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