Barco ClickShare CSE-200 - Base unit is blinking red. How can I fix to show steady white?I have tried many suggestions including:Updating the base and buttonsRebootingReviewing options in the configuration panel.This unit was working fine and the Covid hit. I am trying to bring it back to life.Thank you, John Springhetti
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Barco ClickShare CX-50 - For meetings and presentations we use a Barco Clickshare CX-50 in each of our two meeting rooms. Following setup is used in both: Clickshare CX-50 set with base unit and 2 Buttons connected to a Logitech Rally conference System with a Samsung TV QB98T The whole system is connected with a Multimedia Rack (e.g. to broadcast the picture to both screens) So the problem is ...
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When the ClickShare Button changes to static white it is ready to share. Press the ClickShare Button. The button changes to static red and your desktop is shared. Right-click the ClickShare Client icon in the systray. Select Shared Desktop from the context menu. Your desktop is now extended with the meeting room display. user15977 / newcomer (5)
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The question about Barco Clickshare CS-100 has already been answered, but there may be a better solution or alternative available by now. If you know it, answer the question now and increase your reputation as an industry expert in our B2B community.
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Top answer. If possible/necessary, first update the firmware at the base station (instructions here). connect the ClickShare Button to the front USB port. If the button starts flashing red, the update will be performed. If it is continuously red the update is done and the button can be used. kiessling-medientechnik / expert (3592)
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Answers. Top answer. The password for the WiFi is"clickshare". After activating the WiFi connection, the admin interface can be accessed via the IP address of the router ( The default access data is: User ="admin" and password ="admin". kiessling-medientechnik / expert (3592)
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ClickShare WebUI for CS-100 and CSE-200 Base Units not opening in the Chrome browser on Windows 11, more information can be found on KB7472; Important notes. in order to start the ClickShare App on the Button automatically when plugging it in, version 1.20 of the ClickShare Windows Driver is needed.
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The question about Barco ClickShare CSE-200 has already been answered, but there may be a better solution or alternative available by now. If you know it, answer the question now and increase your reputation as an industry expert in our B2B community.
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As from the 1.8 firmware version, support for older Buttons without certificate (article number R9861006D01) is dropped on CS-100 (Huddle), CSE-200, CSE-200+ and CSE-800 models. Support for MirrorOp has been dropped and we advise to work with the ClickShare apps. For the Windows driver for ClickShare to detect the Button, they require an update.
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