Übersichtskarte zum Oktoberfest 2024 mit allen großen und kleinen Festzelten, Fahrgeschäften und Serviceangeboten
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Die offizielle Seite der Stadt München zum 190. Münchner Oktoberfest vom 20.9. bis 5.10.2025 auf der Theresienwiese
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The festival of the City of Munich. In 2025, the 190th Oktoberfest will take place from September 20 to October 5 on the Theresienwiese. This is a carousel with rotating cards. Use the previous and next buttons to navigate, and Enter to activate cards ...
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Service around the Wiesn: All important information for a visit to the Wiesn Do I have to pay admission to the Oktoberfest? Can I take bags and rucksacks onto the festival grounds?
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Montag, 01.07.2024 • 10:30 Uhr (wird fortlaufend aktualisiert) 82 Tage vor der Eröffnung des 189. Oktoberfests begann am Montagmorgen, 1. Juli, um 7 Uhr der Aufbau für das größte Volksfest der Welt.
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Seit 1818 sind die Schausteller auf der Wiesn. Den anderen Teil des Festgeländes bestimmen die Betriebe der Schausteller. 1818 wurden das erste Karussell und zwei Schaukeln aufgestellt – ein bescheidenes Angebot an allgemeinen Vergnügungen während der ersten Jahrzehnte.
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What are the opening hours at Oktoberfest and the beer tents? What time do the rides start to spin? What’s the best way to get to the Theresienwiese fairground? Are backpacks and strollers allowed? How much does a liter of beer cost at Oktoberfest? All the answers and information for your visit to ...
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The Oktoberfest in the 20th century: An up and down It still took a while from the historic Oktoberfest to the event as we know it today. For the 100th anniversary of the Oktoberfest , in 1910, 12,000 hectoliters of beer were served in the Pschorr-Bräurosl, the largest festival tent at the time with 12,000 seats.
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From the arrival of the Oktoberfest hosts to the tapping at Schottenhamel and the gun salute: Here you can find out everything about the events and dates at Oktoberfest 2025 from 20 September to 5 October. When they take place, what to expect and the best places to watch ...
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Only beer from Munich breweries may be served on the Oktoberfest, as custom dictates. Already weeks before the starting signal for Oktoberfest, the breweries present their newly brewed Oktoberfest beer and increase the anticipation of the highlight of the year. We introduce the six breweries of the ...
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