Puppy Linux是由Barry Kauler主导开发的一个以体积小、速度快闻名的小型Linux发行版。本网站设立的初衷就是聚合网友们的力量,共同改进Puppy Linux,并改善其对中文用户的友好程度。 官方网站; 英文论坛; 中文论坛; 第三方软件库
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(2)The puppy was fawning on its master. 小狗向它的主人摇尾乞怜。 (3)The dog has transferred its affection to its new master. 那狗已把它的感情转移到新主人身上。 (4)Do you want to be hickoried by your master? 你想叫你的主人鞭打你一顿吗? (5)This dog can fetch and carry at his master's command.
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