equity of admission processes to ensure that all individuals capable of bene fiting from a university education have an opportunity to do so, including those who present with qualifications that reflect their backgrounds as well as their talents. Advances have been made, though much remains to be done. Equally, some progress
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学校招生会收到很多学生的申请(application),学校根据admission或是其他的标准选择学生,那么这些学生就是被admitted了,会收到学校的offer。收到offer(看你的能力以及你申请的学校,你可能会收到多个offer)后,学生选择去哪间学校,选了哪间就被哪间enrolled了。enrollment 是入学报名。
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首先申明,为了避免误人子弟,我将拒绝回复任何关于申请的咨询。【我真的不知道xxxxSAT,xxGPA把握大不大。我们学校admission office很奇怪的】-----然后收到offer了的小伙伴们陆续开始问我奥斯汀具体的情况。
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KAUST托福要求最低79,非常的,有机缘了。美国某校答应给我发master admission,但是托福要求80并且还要交学费,所以说,还是去KAUST吧),然后体检,办签证,学校给订机票。回家吃吃喝喝,准备出发了。 入学当天
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142 universities, One voice. We are the collective voice of universities in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
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附: 学校申请主页:kaist international admission 百度百科链接:韩国科学技术院_百度百科 转载请私信。 引; kaist是大学,并不是研究院,因为学校里除了硕士、博士外,还有40%的本科生。不过在建校的前二十年多里,kaist的确是研究院,那时候只招收硕士、博士 ...
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picture of international students' admission for the 2024/25 academic year. Higher Education: Finance Lord Alton of Liverpool (Crossbench): To ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the extent to which the independence of the UK higher education sector has been compromised by a reliance on funding from China. [UIN HL560]
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