Usually when one is writing an email or a letter it starts with"Dear John, .....". I wonder the correct use of Dear when you are writing to two or more people. Which of the following expressions are grammatically correct and polite: Dear Dr. John and Prof. Guttier, Dear s Dr. John and Prof. Guttier, Dear Dr. John and dear Prof. Guttier,
Oct 29, 2017. #7. Tsz Long Ng said: I just want to know when to use start +ing and +to infinitive. As I said in #2, it depends on the intended meaning, and the context. If you provide a context, people will be able to help you. Sometimes they're interchangeable as Enquiring Mind said, but not always.
These still leave the question of what case form is required in"There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I/me." The works I cite do not address the issue, as they deal with"It's I" and other short sentences which are almost spoken. My own opinion is that"and me" is acceptable in standard usage except ...
Entre est facultatif si le quantificateur est au sing. : (l')un d'eux/l'un d'entre eux, aucun d'eux/aucun d'entre eux, chacun d'eux/chacun d'entre eux; il est obligatoire lorsque le quantificateur désigne une pluralité : certains, plusieurs, un bon nombre, la majorité, la plupart, une centaine, etc. d'entre eux : On remarquera toutefois que ...
两周年之际,民航局通报「3·21」东航 MU5735 航空器飞行事故调查进展情况,哪些信息值得关注?. 中国网 . 已认证账号. 2022年3月21日,东方航空云南有限公司波音737-800型客机(注册号B-1791),执行MU5735昆明长水机场至广州白云机场定期客运航班。. 13…. 显示全部 ...
American English. Jul 25, 2011. #2. Yep, it should be"reste" as far as I can tell. Unless by"il" he means"them" (the readers) in which case he just forgot the"s" at the end of"il", but I'm pretty sure he meant"s'il en reste." Might want to wait before the native speakers come to confirm this in case I'm somehow wrong though.
Jun 30, 2011. #2. I agree that all the versions in bold text seem possible, but I'd probably change a few words and write your sentence this way: We were wondering if you would be available next week. If you're asking this person about his or her availability, it might be even better to ask a simple question: Are you available next week?
Hello, I wonder why the article a is used with the word pattern only. Why are not all the bold words used either with the article or none? Once is chance, twice is coincidence, three times is a pattern Even when I came across a different wording of the quote the article issue is still there...
1、个人买不划算,3.8万/年。. 2、试用帐号可用1个月,但要给她(或其他销售)提供姓名、手机、部门、邮箱等信息。. 好吧。. 真贵。. 据说,万能的某宝,1块钱一次。. 可以考虑一下。. 高昂的费用不光个人承担不起,实际上在单位里很多预算有限的部门也是 ...
Nov 29, 2013. #25. On dit: tu remues les mains d'une façon/ d'une manière X. Donc avec inversion du sujet: la façon/la manière dont tu remues les mains. d'une façon/ d'une manière n'est pas un complément direct de remuer (les mains est le complément direct). Il s'agit d'un complément de manière introduit par de.